The History of the Diesel Engine

The Early Days

The origins of the diesel engine are the subject of some contention; some choose to credit Herbert Akroyd Stuart, who was indeed responsible for a great number of innovations in his time. For others, Rudolf Diesel is credited with the invention of this incredible device. In any case, what can be agreed upon is that the majority of the groundwork for the invention of the diesel engine as we know it began in the 1890’s. Since then, refinements and improvements to the original concept have resulted in an incredibly efficient and robust power source, and one which sees extensive use throughout a wide variety of industries.

Commercial Usage

The diesel engine is an incredibly adaptable device, and this, alongside its history of reliability and efficiency, has resulted in incredibly widespread usage. From small diesel power generators, which see use in everything from construction sites to bouncy castles, to the huge engine units of commercial container ships, diesel engines can be found everywhere. Commercial passenger transport relies heavily on the efficiency of the diesel engine, and we’ve spoken previously about how our fuel management systems help keep the Flying Scotsman trekking up and down the country, a venture that relies heavily on the diesel engines that have been powering British Rail since the 1950’s.

Diesel Engine and Commercial Transport

There’s another, more specific use of the diesel engine which lies close to our hearts, and also the hearts of many of our customers. Diesel power has been keeping commercial transport trucks on the road for many years now. Indeed, many will probably remember with great fondness the first time they laid eyes on a Cummins engine, or remember the awe-inspiring sight of a true Australian road train. None of this would have been possible without the humble diesel engine.

Here at Fueltek, we’ve been working with fleets using diesel engine-based vehicles since our inception, and we’ve learnt to appreciate the engine as the basis for much of what we do. We offer a huge range of fuel management solutions which can increase the already remarkable efficiency of these devices. To find out more about the services we offer, get in touch using the details on our contact page, or call us now on 01254 291 391.