Changes that Fleet Managers Should Make in 2019
2019 is here, and a new year usually brings about a whole host of changes, no matter what industry you work in. With a whole year of data behind you from 2018, now is the time to analyse this information in looking for ways to increase efficiencies within your fleet throughout 2019.
In this article, we take a look at some of the top changes fleet managers should consider making to ensure 2019 is your company’s most profitable and efficient year yet.
Prepare for Brexit
One of the biggest things you’ll need to consider this year is ensuring that your company remains flexible to change at any point in time with the countdown to Brexit edging ever closer.
At the time of writing, the actual effect Brexit will have on the fleet industry is a bit of an unknown, but it’s definitely worth preparing for all eventualities, including a ‘no deal’ Brexit. The Department for Transport has published a series of technical notices providing in-depth information to ensure businesses understand what they need to prepare for, if the UK does end up with a ‘no deal’ Brexit scenario.
If your fleet relies on any suppliers based in the European Union, it is worth holding discussions with these companies to ensure that you are able to continue trading normally, regardless of which scenario the UK find themselves in come the end of March.

Review Your Travel Routes
Reviewing your fleet’s travel routes is something that should be done on an ongoing basis throughout the year, and ensuring you get into the habit of doing so early in 2019 should be one of your top priorities.
With a whole year of route data behind you from 2018, analysing each regular route your drivers have been taking is pretty simple. When looking through this data, you should consider whether there were any particularly unpredictable routes that your drivers were taking throughout 2018, and if these were routes which incurred delays at certain times of the month or at certain times of the day.
When you have a list of particularly troublesome routes, it’s worth having a chat with your drivers and seeing if there are any other routes you could take which may result in a significantly reduced travel time. Remember though, in some cases, the shortest possible route may not be the most fuel or time efficient, so it’s always worth weighing up all of your options, rather than just opting for the shortest route.
Reward Drivers for Displaying Good Practices
Whilst it can be easy to focus on drivers who may be displaying bad behaviours whilst on the road, it’s important not to forget about those drivers who are doing all the right things. You’ve probably already got a plan of action to help train or discipline repeat offenders, but we’d suggest rewarding those who consistently provide good results for your company.
Technology such as fuel management systems and telematics make it extremely easy for fleet managers to spot anomalies within data, which may raise questions about whether a particular driver is correctly utilising fuel and taking the most efficient routes. Equally, it has made it much easier for fleet managers to identify drivers who are adopting the best practices possible, and it’s important to reward those employees.
You could use the data collected and create a league table of the most efficient drivers for each month, which would equally incentivise drivers who may not be performing early in the year. A voucher prize could be given to the most improved driver at the end of each month to keep a friendly competitive spirit among your drivers.
Invest in the Latest Technology
Keeping up to date with the very latest in fleet management technology is a fantastic way to ensure your fleet are maximising efficiencies throughout 2019. It’s vital to have an up-to-date fuel management system and fuel monitoring system in place to ensure your fleet’s fuel is safely stored at all times and managed in the most effective way possible.
Here at Fueltek, we know just how important it is to have the right fuel management system installed, as it ensures that you, the fleet manager, are able to closely monitor the amount of fuel used by each vehicle in your fleet. You’re also able to track exactly who is dispensing fuel and from where, which helps you to ensure you are not suffering from fuel theft or loss. It’s also worth noting that having an up-to-date fuel management system can save you a sizable amount of money in the long run, as you can spot inefficiencies within your fleet with ease.
These are just some of our top tips on changes that you may want to consider making as a fleet manager throughout 2019. Making even the smallest change to the way in which your fleet operates can have huge benefits on profitability as well as employee satisfaction, so it’s definitely worth taking some time to consider any changes you could make to get 2019 off to the right start.